Advocating for the Vulnerable
Thomas Markle Jewelers is proud to support CASA, Montgomery County’s only court-appointed organization which advocates for abused and neglected children. CASA’s ultimate goal is to break the cycle of abuse in our community, one child at a time.
What is CASA in a Nutshell?
There are unfortunate instances when a family faces a crisis and may become involved in the child welfare system due to claims of abuse or neglect. When this happens, a judge may assign a dedicated and trained volunteer to advocate for the child. That committed volunteer is known as a Court Appointed Special Advocate, or CASA.
What Does a CASA Advocate Do?
The CASA advocate’s job is to amplify the voice of the child in court, to see that the child’s best interests are met and promote the child being reunited with their family if it is safe. A CASA advocate works with Child Protective Services to understand why a child was removed from their home. They also do careful background research to ensure that they make the best choices for the child’s future. If a child is reunited with their family, the CASA advocate keeps a careful eye on the home for a little while to make sure it is a safe and nurturing environment. A CASA advocate will also stay by the child’s side throughout the case, ensuring everyone involved puts the child’s best interests first.
How Can Others Become Involved?
Since CASA is a registered non-profit charity, they depend on the generosity of the public through individual, corporate and foundation support. Those invested in CASA’s mission may assist through a contribution. All contributions to CASA are tax deductible. Find out more information here.
CASA also requires volunteers. From keeping the office organized to aiding with event planning, there are a plethora of activities which CASA could use additional support. Consult the list of volunteer needs here.
For adults concerned about the well-being of children and who wish to amplify a child's voice in court, becoming a CASA advocate might be a suitable option. More information, including the qualifications and an online application, can be accessed by visiting this link.